Have your parents ever embarrassed you on Facebook?

Many people have been left with red faces after parents posted photos of them online, says a new survey. Let us know what internet horrors your mum and dad have subjected you to

Facebook shame
That sinking feeling … when you discover your parents have shared photos of you on Facebook. Photograph: Kirbusedvard/Getty Images Photograph: Kirbusedvard/Getty Images

Parents and social media don't mix. A survey reported in the Times found that 25% of those polled had been embarrassed by photographs of them that their parents had posted online. Only slightly fewer, 21%, reported being embarrassed by parents' photos of themselves.

Interestingly, mothers are more au fait with internet culture than fathers, which might explain the post by one mother on her son's Facebook wall that read: "I wanted to let you know he is no longer on Facebook due to choices he made today. He posted personal information about someone … I thought he should know how it feels when the tables are turned. He wet the bed until he was eight." Ouch.

Do your parents routinely embarrass you on the internet? Is your mum a chronic oversharer, or has your dad proved hilariously useless with internet slang? Please share your stories below.


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