Simran Hans 

Detective Chinatown 2 – Chinese sleuths back for more brash antics

An unlikely duo team up again to win the crown of world’s best detective

Detective Chinatown 2: comic-book fun.
Detective Chinatown 2: comic-book fun. Photograph: Warner Bros

This loud, goofy, comic-book-bright sequel to Chen Sicheng’s 2015 buddy comedy works as a loose riff on Sherlock Holmes. Quin Feng (Liu Haoran) is an awkward, retiring whiz-kid who finds himself in New York for his giddily self-interested uncle’s wedding. Except, upon arrival, soundtracked to the thumpingly literal Taylor Swift song Welcome to New York, he discovers that uncle Tang Ren (Wang Baoqiang) isn’t actually getting married. Instead, Tang has lured him to the city to solve a murder as part of the World Detective Contest, the winner of which will receive a prize of $5m. The problem-solving pair are described affectionately as “a genius and an idiot”, though Wang’s brash, not-always-funny idiot and his histrionics occasionally threaten to swallow the film whole.