James Walsh 

What’s the most ridiculous memorabilia you’ve ever owned?

We want to see your unlikely memorabilia. Do you own something that makes a giant Tunnock's teacake seem like a sensible purchase?

Anyone willing to admit to owning one of these?
Anyone willing to admit to owning one of these? Photograph: STR/AFP/Getty Images Photograph: STR/AFP/Getty Images

What's the best - or worst - item of memorabilia in your possession? Perhaps you're the person who spent £1,605 on a huge Tunnock's teacake costume, fresh from the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games. There are more available on the Games' official auction website, which is also offering a variety of other props, including fishing boats, an Edinburgh cannon, and even a flushing toilet (current bid: £51.00).

Or perhaps political memorabilia is more your bag? Imagine how much a UKIP necklace, made from Cornish Pewter, will be worth in twenty years' time, when UKIP are the ruling, and indeed only, political party.

We'd like to hear about - and see - your own items, as naff, impressive, or impressively naff as possible. Perhaps you have a full set of royal mugs gathering dust in the attic, or have a huge amount of Doctor Who related items. Or maybe, like me, you find yourself the proud owner of a Viz tea-towel.

You can share your images of your magnificent tat via GuardianWitness, or tell us about it in the comments thread below.


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