Quiz: match the tagline to the film

Here are 10 memorable movie taglines – but do you know which films they were used to promote?

  1. The classic story about a boy and his mother.

    1. Psycho

    2. Terminator 2

    3. Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot!

    4. Back to the Future

  2. Look closer.

    1. American Pie

    2. American Beauty

    3. American Movie

    4. An American Werewolf in Paris

  3. Are you in or out?

    1. In and Out

    2. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    3. Ocean’s Eleven

    4. Stand By Me

  4. Size does matter.

    1. Filth

    2. Sex Lives of the Potato Men

    3. Godzilla

    4. Digby The Biggest Dog in the World

  5. Get ready for rush hour.

    1. Rush Hour

    2. Speed

    3. Days of Thunder

    4. Cannonball Run

  6. You'll laugh. you'll cry. You'll hurl.

    1. Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey

    2. Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

    3. Les Miserables

    4. Wayne's World

  7. Everyone has one special thing.

    1. The Man With One Red Shoe

    2. Private Parts

    3. I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle

    4. Boogie Nights

  8. Get an Afterlife.

    1. The Frighteners

    2. Casper

    3. Beetlejuice

    4. The Lost Boys 2: The Tribe

  9. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

    1. The Fly

    2. The Blob

    3. The Shining

    4. The Thing

  10. A man went looking for America and couldn’t find it.

    1. American Splendor

    2. Where the Buffalo Roam

    3. Easy Rider

    4. National Lampoon's European Vacation


1:A, 2:B, 3:C, 4:C, 5:B, 6:D, 7:D, 8:B, 9:A, 10:C


  1. 4 and above.

    Not a great score – why not have another go and see if you can improve it?

  2. 5 and above.

    Good score! You know your film taglines alright

  3. 10 and above.

    Perfect score! You're the film tagline master


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