Keith Stuart 

From Destiny to Guacamelee: five interesting games to try this weekend

Whether you want to explore the galaxy or dress as a wrestler here's a select of new titles to play while you're staying out of the sun. By Keith Stuart

A scene from interactive narrative drama, 4pm, which tackles alcoholism in a darkly humorous yet sensitive way. Photograph: /public domain Photograph: public domain

It's sunny and beautiful outside, but you can't spend the whole weekend lolling about in the garden wondering if you should light up the barbecue, thereby angering the rain gods into immediate action. No, at some point you should go inside and play video games. It's okay, it's healthy. They help with hand-eye coordination and everything.

Anyway, here are five new titles that are worth a look between paddling pool sessions.

Destiny (Beta) – Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4

Bungie has opened the beta test of its ambitious space adventure to all Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 owners. This sprawling cross between Halo and Borderlands needs no introduction; just download and marvel at the beautiful presentation and smooth co-op experience. Lots of content is missing and I've been slapped off the server a few times, but it's worth it to see what all the fuss is about. Find out more on the Bungie website.

4pm – PC, Mac

This is a short, but fascinating interactive drama following an alcoholic woman, Caroline Wells, who wakes up with the mother of all hangovers then struggles through a day that gets progressively more disturbing. It's serious and clever, with woozy visual effects to simulate drunkenness. But there is also a dark humour running through the 40-minute narrative. It's available on Steam for £2.99.

The Nightmare Cooperative – PC, Mac

Lucky Frame is one of my favourite UK studios – its eccentric but beautifully crafted games always look and feel great. Nightmare Cooperative is no exception, a merciless turn-based roguelike that requires you to control all the members of your battle party simultaneously. The aim is to protect your village from invading monsters – and that's it. But, although it looks simple and accessible, there is tactical depth in abundance. It's £6.99 on Steam.

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition – PS4, Wii U, Xbox One

This crazed Mexican-themed platform adventure, already a cult hit on PlayStation, has players leaping and fighting banditos and skeletons through a variety of brashly drawn environments. This updated version adds new enemies and areas and gives the whole thing a lovely visual polish. Frantic, ridiculous and utterly engrossing, it's available via eShop, PSN and Xbox Live.

Traps n' Gemstones – iOS, Android, Windows

This is another Metroidvania-esque platformer, recommended by veteran games writer Stuart Campbell on his Twitter feed. Channeling the spirit of Spelunky, it's essentially a treasure quest through a pyramid filled with traps, chests and relics. The controls are super responsive, the chambers exciting, and the action deliciously fluid. Developed by talented Swedish studio Donut Games, it's currently on sale, too, £1.99 on Android and £2.99 on iOS.


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