Greg Howson 

Enough with guitars where is Synth Hero?

Yes, the publishers can keep on rolling out Guitar Hero ong packs for hoary old rockers like ACDC and Metallica. But how exciting is that? Exactly. Yes, what we need to push the music genre along to the next level is Synth Hero!

You probably heard this the other day but Guitar Hero III has become the first game to generate over 1 billion USD in sales. Impressive figures even if you factor in the high price for the game and guitar. But what about taking the genre to the next level? Don't get me wrong, Guitar Hero World Tour and Rock Band 2 are great fun with the right crowd, mainly because the drums are such a hoot. But what next? Yes, the publishers can keep on rolling out song packs for hoary old rockers like ACDC and Metallica. But how exciting is that? Exactly. Yes, what we need to push the music genre along to the next level is... Synth Hero!

Yes, stick with me here. What we really need is Synth Hero complete with a nice plastic Moog or Jupiter 8 obviously. Just think of the songs you could include with the game. Where do you start? Going back in the day you've got Kraftwerk - The Model would be a one of the easier songs in the game - the entirety of Dare by the Human League, and most of Depeche Mode's catalogue (though Personal Jesus could easily be on Guitar Hero) just for starters. You could stick on some dance/rave stuff too – early Prodigy? – maybe some of Saint Etienne's more electronic moments. And it won't be 80s and 90s classics only. There is loads of contempary stuff - Little Boots, Ladytron, Hot Chip, Errors etc - to keep this from being a retro collection.

Yes, Synth Hero may have a more European appeal but you could always stick in Van Halen's Jump to keep the traditionalists happy.

So, what do you think? Are you happy enough with the - yawn - conventional Guitar Hero and Rock Band guitars/bass/drums setup? Or, like me, are you waiting for Synth Hero? Or at least the inclusion of a synth as an add-on instrument. And if so what synth/electronic classics would you like to prod along to in front of your telly?


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